Who is CrossWay?

  • CrossWay Community Church was started in February 2008 by a group sent out from CrossWay Community Church in Bristol, WI.

    We started meeting at Alverno College in January 2020.

  • We are an evangelical church, meaning we believe the gospel (evangel)—that salvation is by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose again.

    We teach from a Reformed and Baptistic perspective. “Reformed” simply means we believe that salvation is entirely on account of God’s sovereign plan. “Baptistic” means we believe the church is to be made up of believers who are baptized upon profession of their faith.

    CrossWay participates in various associations and fellowships for accountability, resourcing, and shared ministry efforts. Learn more about our association and other partnerships.

  • For a full explanation of what we believe, see our statement of faith.

    But in short, we believe the Bible is God’s very Word to be believed and followed in all that we do. At the very center of the Bible’s message is the person of Jesus who died to save all those who put their trust in him.

  • CrossWay is composed of people from various walks of life, ages, and ethnicities.

    We’re a smaller church (150+ including kids) that prizes feeling like a family.

  • We actually don’t have a senior or lead pastor. Our pastors (or elders) possess equal authority and care for the church as a team. This keeps us from centering our ministry around any one individual.

    Along with this, rather than hearing one individual preach most weeks, you can expect to hear from a rotation of preachers. We value God’s use of different personalities and gifts.

Time & Location

  • Our church meets inside the Wehr Auditorium at Alverno College on Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

  • We recommend entering campus at 41st St. from Morgan Ave. From there, Christopher Hall will be immediately on your right (east). Inside is the Wehr Auditorium.

  • A small parking lot is available immediately outside of Christopher Hall, as well as overflow parking across the street.

  • Our deacons would love to help. You can contact them here.

    In addition, bus route 56 runs by Alverno college.

  • According to the Bible, the church is a people, not a building. In other words, we are the church!

    For our Sunday gatherings, we rent space at Alverno College. And for our meetings throughout the week, you’ll typically find us gathering in each other’s homes or grabbing coffee at a local coffee shop.

Corporate Worship

  • During our service, we will sing songs, pray, confess our faith together, read scripture, observe the Lord’s Supper, and listen to a sermon explaining a portion of God’s Word.

    Learn more about the design of our corporate worship here.

  • Under most circumstances, you can expect to find us preaching passage by passage through different books of the Bible. We strive to make the message of the passage the message of our sermon, rather than constructing sermons based on our own ideas.

  • We generally preach and teach out of the English Standard Version (ESV). But you are free to use whatever translation you own or prefer.

  • A nursery is available for infants and toddlers.

    Children from ages 3-years-old up to 4th grade can be dismissed to their classes after the initial portion of the service.

Getting Connected

  • We know that visiting a new church for the first time can sometimes be intimidating. So if you’re new to CrossWay, we’d like to invite you to join us for a special lunch with one of our elders and some members of our church. This lunch is held on the last Sunday of the month, immediately following the service. A sign-up with more details is available at our Resource Table.

    In addition, join us for our next “Getting to Know CrossWay” class where we go into more depth about who we are as a church as well as ways to get involved.

    If you’re on Facebook, join our CrossWay Connections groups where you can share prayer requests and stay connected throughout the week.

    And finally, subscribe to our email announcements to stay in the loop on any upcoming events or things happening in the church.

  • Yes! We would love to have you join us.

    You don’t have to know anything about God or the Bible. And we’re not going to pressure you to do anything. But we’d love to be a place for you to learn about Jesus and why he matters so much to us.

  • Yes! We have a Bible study, or class, Sundays at 8:45 AM before the service, as well as early mornings on certain weekdays.

    Additionally, various small groups meet throughout the week. We’d love to get you connected to one.

  • The first step towards membership at CrossWay is attending our “Getting to Know CrossWay” class.


  • The best way to see our various ministries is to visit our Ministries page as well as our “Ministry Map.”

  • Our children, ages 3-years-old up to 5th grade, have classes where they receive Christ-centered Bible lessons, memorize a monthly Bible verse, participate in weekly catechisms, and learn a “hymn of the month.”

    For our teenagers (6th-12th grades), we have a youth ministry that exists to mentor them in Christlikeness and encourage their participation in the church.

    You can learn more about both of these ministries here.

  • We encourage our members to work for the good of our city by getting involved in ministries across Milwaukee. You can see a list of our ministry partners here.

    Even more importantly, we long to see each of our members sharing the gospel with others wherever they find themselves: the neighborhoods where they live, the jobs they work, the schools they attend, etc.

Contact Us

  • We’d love to answer any other questions you have. You can email us here and we’ll try to get back to you in a timely manner.

    Otherwise, we’re also more than happy to talk with you at one of our Sunday services.

  • We would love to meet with you. Please email us and we will try to find a time to connect.