News & Events


Volunteers needed
We are currently in need of volunteers to help in the following areas: toddler nursery (1), set up (2), coffee (1). If you are able to help out in either of these areas, please contact Emily Bero at

Upcoming Events

Family Meeting | Sun. April 28 | 5:30-7:00pm | Velobahn Coffee
Attention all members! Join us for our next family meeting, as we hear updates and spend time considering our vision as a church for the next few months. Dinner will be provided. A sign up sheet to bring food is available at the Resource Table. See Emily Bero of Nadia Philip for more details.

Women’s Overnight Retreat | May 3, 5pm – May 4th, 2pm | The Haven in Kenosha
The women’s overnight to wrap up their Proverb series is coming up on May 3rd-4th.

Baptism Class | Sun. May 5 | 8:45am | St. Joseph’s
The consistent pattern throughout the New Testament is that those who believe in Jesus get baptized. In this way, baptism serves as something of an identifier of those who follow Jesus and have been united to Him by faith. If you are a professing believer who has not yet been baptized, we highly encourage you to join us for this class to learn more about baptism and consider taking this step. (Childcare will be available.)

Training Seminar: Spiritual Disciplines | Starting in June | Contact Kirk if interested
Spiritual disciplines are those habits such as prayer, meditation, and fasting through which God’s people aim to grow in godliness. This Training Seminar will take the form of a study through the book Habits of Grace by David Mathis. The time and location of this study will be determined by the needs and preferences of those who express interest. If you are interested, please email Kirk at This Training Seminar covers one of our core subjects, which we'd liked everyone at CrossWay eventually to attend.

Save the Date

Prayer Gathering | Sun. May 19 | 6:30pm | Allen’s